Thursday, October 28, 2010

Top of Mind

I first learned this concept as a business principal, taught to me over & over again. It's a principal because its ALWAYS true, it's what you strive after in's what MATTERS!

Top of mind, for those of you not familiar, is the key to the success of most business, particularly those with ANY marketing involved - all of them pretty much. Essentially, the concept is just that in order to sell anything or provide your service your customer has to think of YOU FIRST! Your customer must have you on the 'top of their mind' any time they think of that product or service, you have to be the answer!

I'm realizing today how important what is on the 'top of my mind' is! It's not that I haven't known this before but I was updating my FB status today & noticed how much I wish my feelings & thoughts reflected the state today that I was in on Monday. I turned to a friend & said; 'I always put what's true on my status, but I wish that were true today still....'.

Monday Status:

Dani North is feeling ecstatic about this amazing sense of acceptance I'm feeling, the energy my hope is creating, & is grateful for the productivity and action I'm able to take. I'm also SO grateful for the gifts of life, the daily reminders of the greatness of my Father & the blessing of his hand in my life!


Dani North wants Monday's feeling back. Working hard to let go, love, do the next right thing & be still... Don't quit before the miracle comes!!

It dawned on me as I was putting that statement in that both times it was just about what I was focused on. I was focused on celebrating Monday, I was full of gratitude, focused on how engaged I was in the solution. Last night, yesterday, this morning, I was focused on the problem, on criticizing my situation...again. I was focused on deficiencies, on needs not what I have already. I definitely want to implement a plan of action that will help me to develop a habit of being aware of what is on the top of my mind at all times & if it's not the solution, celebrating, gratitude, positive thoughts then immediately take action to correct that.

What is on the top of your mind? I'm grateful in this moment to be aware of how drastically this impacts EVERYTHING in my life: emotions, goals, sanity, progress, success, relationships...EVERYTHING!

A song on my motivational playlist (well several) come to mind: Incubus 'Drive', Lee Ann Womack 'I Hope You Dance', Natasha Beddingford 'Unwritten'. I'm chuckling kind of cause I consider myself a fairly good driver, have a great time dancing & apparently REALLY enjoy writing. :o) Here goes, driving with confidence, dancing in the storms of life & enjoying the journey, & writing my happy ending.

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