Thursday, October 21, 2010

Introducing a Hero

So I just stumbled across my sister's blog/website, Krista Black. Krista is the oldest in my family & as a result I have always looked up to her & been guided by her in MANY WAYS! I have worked for Krista since the time I was about 11 years old. In fact, the majority of my working career has been with her, in one job or another. I have worked for her in real estate, communications, hard money lending, real estate management, etc. Much of my knowledge & skills are spawned from her.

The older that I get the more I realize that Krista is my original hero. Sure, I love the things that a lot of people do & there are a lot of people that I'd like to be like when I grow up. It's also true that Krista comes with a history of human error, lots of things you could criticize....if you wanted to, and imperfection (this is what I love the most). For reasons I can't explain we are more alike than any of my other siblings & sometimes that scares me, but more of the time I am incredibly grateful.

In addition to her being a 'rising star' in my life, (someone who continually shows me there is more to our world than first meets the eye, that anyone can make a difference in their own lives, to live out loud & proud), I realized just now that she's not just my original hero but she's also been the source of some of the greatest support I've received in my life! She has ALWAYS been there for me, always loved me, always done everything she can to support me through my struggles! Beginning from the time I was 12 years old & lived with her for the first time because she wanted me to have a chance. She's always done ANYTHING in her power to give me that chance in life!

She has unselfishly shared her wisdom, knowledge, passion & experience with me over the years & sometimes she has just cried with me. There are so many things that she has to be proud of. Her life is full & well accomplished, her mastery of herself, her learning & her family shine as a result of her diligence to her goals in these areas continually take priority in her life.

1 comment:

  1. Don't even know what to say - thank you. I love you and I'm so proud of you!
