Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Entering a New Phase

Not only am I moving but SO IS DUSTIN! They finally transported him to the prison. I feel like I got my head knocked off the way I did when he got sentenced, like I was prepared then, 'WHAM! The hell you are!!!'! :(

This is short & sweet cause I need to get a letter out to him... :( If anyone on here wants to write him he needs all the love he can get (I'll say again). My focus on my own health (for him in the long run but still...) leaves him seriously wanting & I could use all the help I can get with support for him.

For those of you not familiar (not that I am all that familiar) he gets very little property, no phone calls, no free time, etc when he is in R & O (receiving & orientation) for the first several weeks he is at the prison. Basically it is like lockdown for him. Any mail he receives will be his best & likely ONLY gift while he's there.

Show him some love if you can!

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