Saturday, November 6, 2010

Now You Meet Dani

I honestly can say that Jane is NOT my personality in control of who I am today. SUCCESS!! feel SO good!

I just got done with the most amazingly energetic day I could have possibly imagined. I feel more centered, more alive, more focused, more driven, more capable than my body/mind/soul/spirit could have ever FATHOMED POSSIBLE! :o) (silly little emoticons could never come close to replicating this energy, nor could my unreasonably talented gift for words EVER come close to expressing this true & powerful state & certainty I feel...but if I can't I MUST, so here I am trying!)

One of the things I notice most about myself in this state (raw power & direction) is that because it is new I tend to be very chaotic with it. Tony described in the seminar a breakthrough moment he experienced where he wrote 3 notebooks in a single day, breaking only 1 time for a quick meal because his arm was hurting (I feel that way a lot of times).

However, the single thing that calms me & harnesses this raw energy that is so untrained is my writing, so here I am. I want to cement what I have been through these last few days & in an effort to bring myself to the world I figured the best place to do that is give it to you now, not write it my journal to add to the blog in some organized/'right way' later. I am right, right now. As it comes out will be absolutely perfect so here it is.

What I want to give you all tonight is what I've found, myself/Dani, through this INTENSE process over the last 5 days or so (starting from the time I committed to attending the seminar Tuesday evening).

I am unstoppable. Everything that I need is available to me & I will take whatever I want from the world. The things that stop me in my life are the bullshit stories that I choose to allow to limit me. The truth is I have limitless power! I am loved and valued beyond anything that my mind can understand, EVERY MOMENT! The times I will feel that love & value with the greatest intensity is through creating value in the world & loving others. What I have to give to the world in every aspect of my life that I can imagine is worth infinitely more than any value I have yet to experience in my life (the infinite sacrifice of my Savior comes to mind only because I could never hope to understand the magnitude & total impact of such a sacrifice & gift, such is the mindset of what I describe for myself).

Now I am the voice. I will lead not follow. I will believe not doubt. I will create not destroy. I am a force for good. I am a a force for God. I am a leader. Defy the odds. Set a new standard. Step up. STEP UP!

I am outstanding, always have been, always will be. It is true that Jane has always stood out. Now instead of being reinforced & valued because I am broken & consuming energy from the world in that manner I choose to step up. To step out of Jane & live as Dani has always wanted to - having inspiration, love, gratitude fuel me & drive me to the outstanding life I will create for myself & allow others to bless me with!

I've arrived at a new peak in my life. In this month of Thanks there is nothing in my vocabulary that I could share with you if I wrote non-stop for the rest of my life that could convey the truth I feel about the gratitude & pure love I have for those who have come before me, created this possibility, taught me these skills, shared their experience, helped awaken my soul, expected more/not settled, showed me a way. My heart is so full, with tears streaming down my face I thank you. Thank you to every single person who ever expected more of me, who's heart ever ached for me, anyone who ever had a prayer that I would find a way, ever believed in me that I could & would find my purpose, discover my core, be happy, achieve great things - your dreams/my dreams have come true. Thank you for not losing your hope, each & every person in my life & in the UNIVERSE that has held onto the belief that there is MORE & chose to not settle is one ray in the lighthouse that has guided me to this new beginning! Thank you... You know who you are - and if you don't attend UPW & find out! LOL :o)


  1. You are amazing !! Always have been and I love you !

  2. Beautiful!!! This "Dani" has been missed!!!
