Monday, August 27, 2012

The Miracle of Normality

Today I had a more amazing and wonderful experience than I have had in a REALLY LONG TIME!  Ready, wait for it, I WENT TO THE DENTIST FOR A CLEANING!

Your giggling right?  Well you shouldn't be, this is really a miracle & PROOF that God is doing for me what I cannot do for myself!!  You see, my history with dental work has been nothing but a series of emergencies, the most recent of which landed me in the ER being heavily sedated/medicated to stop the nerve pain in my face.

One time when I was in Middle School I learned how to smile with my lips shut & laugh covering my mouth because I had a cavity that was black & covered nearly the whole front of a front tooth.

A few months ago I was down at the 4th Street Clinic, a clinic that serves the homeless in Salt Lake City, with Alan & they happened to have news crews there covering the celebration of them getting a federal grant to expand the clinic.  The expansion was to include dental services as well as additional other services.  I was all too happy to share my story and my take on what dental care might mean to this portion of the population.  I won't go into detail about that here, so as not to distract from my MIRACLE today, but if you're interested you can read that article here.

You see, it wasn't long ago that I was a part of that population & didn't see an end to my suffering in sight.  Well, ALL that changed today, and the outcome was better than expected.  I have some cavities, but they'll be cleared up in 3 appointments, maybe 2!

I am beyond ecstatic over such a seemingly normal & silly little thing, but it's all about your perspective I suppose.  I heard in a room once; 'When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change'.  That seems all too fitting at the moment.  The next time you're dreading going to the dentist or your child is throwing a tantrum perhaps you pull out of your proverbial hat mention of the 'girl you know who couldn't be more grateful to have the opportunity to go to the dentist instead of finding herself in a situation of unbearable pain, yet again'.

I am indeed grateful, and all I did to deserve it is show up for life. :)  Funny how He works like that!  One day at I time I don't really realize how much closer I am getting, step by step, to having a normal life again.  I so very much appreciate the moments that I'm granted the grace of being able to put things in their proper perspective & be grateful for the dentist!

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