Wednesday, November 6, 2013

5th Century Poetry & My Hope

My DARLING little sister motivated this blog post & also simultaneously made me feel guilty & flattered (she's REALLY great at multi-tasking, a highly gifted individual indeed!)  :o)

She is taking some kind of poetry course at Dixie this semester & came across a poem written in Sanskrit in the 5th Century.  She emailed it to me (here comes the flattery part) & said that she thought of me when she read it!  :)

The people in this world who scorn me
no doubt have special wisdom, 
so I don't write for them:
Instead, I write with the thought 
that since the world is wide and time is endless,
one day someone will be born
whose nature is the same as mine.

This speaks my heart about how I feel about my writing in a way that I can't fully express I'm sure.  My reply to her email went like this:

"That is SO FREAKIN AWESOME!  :o)  It's true too!  I don't write for the learned, I don't write to the successful.  I write for the lost soul, for the leader who has no consciousness of what is already complete in their being.  I write to those with unknown power that WILL change the world once it's discovered! :o)

I love you too!  I'm so flattered that you thought of me! :) "
And then the guilt set in. LOL  I often neglect to keep record & bear witness of the awesomeness of the my life, which I believe is necessary for future generations to benefit from.  I've often lamented this in my writing, that my only is hope is that ONE day, just ONE person might benefit, or avoid some catastrophe, or grow in some way, or gain some insight, or be able to fuel their passion through some experience or thought that I'm willing to share.  I truly believe this is a unique calling in my life & so I decided to DO something productive with my guilt & WRITE! hehe  Kuddo's Jaylyn, mission accomplished! :)

I'm so thankful for my ability to express my thoughts & feelings.  I'm grateful for the freedom & healing that I find in it & I'm SO grateful that those around me see what a special piece of my life it is (even when I sorely neglect it!).  

With that thought in mind I'd like to share something REALLY special that I have been thinking about for the last little while.  The thought first occurred to me when the 19th anniversary of the death of my Father came around this September.  I've been spending some time thinking about it off & on since then & had some very encouraging discussion with my Aunt Susan about it as well.  I'd like to write a biography for my Dad.  The reasoning behind this is purely selfish.  Recently I changed my story about him & in doing so realized that because of the old story I truly know NOTHING ABOUT HIM!  So the best way I know how to solve that problem (because it IS a problem for me) is to apply what has worked so well in my own life - TO WRITE!  So I'm off on what I'm sure will be a MOST incredible journey of discovery & healing!  I'm motivated & reminded of what a gift it is that I have, and how much power is contained in it.  Time to put this gift of mine to monumental use & see where I wind up!  :o)  

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