Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here Goes

So I'm off to the races today. I noticed on my sisters FB that today marks the 16th anniversary of my dads passing, suicide to be specific... Interesting. I'm still chewing on that. I suppose getting this blog off the ground is a nice way to turn this crap of a day around.

For those of you who have stopped by to read, thanks! My hope is that documenting my journey, especially the portion I'm on now, will help someone else out there on their journey. Aside from that my reason for writing is really purely selfish. I have always found so much peace, solice, control, answers, etc in my journals, ink, & time I spend writing now I'm just giving my therapy to the world in hopes that I can bless the life of someone else out there.

I definitely have LOTS to say about LOTS of things! For those of you who have spent some time around me recently you can testify of this. :) From the mouths of two or more witnesses right? LOL

I think for today I'm just going to celebrate & congratulate myself on getting the blog created, let everyone on FB know that it exists & start my writing on specific topics tomorrow. :o) Enjoy my blog, or don't & stop reading it!


  1. WOO HOO Dani! So glad to see this up and running - Kudos! Paula

  2. go dani! I'm so excited about your blog!

    ps, love the name :)

  3. Thanks Reagan, did I not specifically/publicly mention that you were the genius behind it? I swear I did somewhere! :o) Something about it just resonated with me so I ran with it. :)
